Free NIH SBIR/STTR Funding Webinar

SBIR/STTR funding is a critical source of early stage capital for small businesses researching and developing commercializable innovations in the broad field of healthcare. Within NIH, 24 agencies participate in SBIR/STTR programs. If you are a small Maine business developing an innovation with applicability in healthcare, an SBIR/STTR grant could provide $150,000 (Phase I) and $1 million (Phase II) in non-equity funding. 


  • 8:00 to 8:30   
    Welcome, introductions, general SBIR overview by Karen West
  • 8:30 to 10:00     
    NIH Overview, Q&A
  • 10:00 to 10:15   
  • 10:15 to 11:45   
    NIH Proposal Preparation Essentials, Q&A
  • 11:45 to Noon   

In partnership with MTI, MCE is hosting this free webinar to provide an overview of the program and essential information to prepare you to submit an application. In addition to presentations from Karen West, MTI’s SBIR/STTR expert, consultants from BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting will share their significant experience with the NIH program and tips for preparing a successful application.


Register Here

This event is sponsored by Maine Center for Entrepreneurs with funding from the Small Business Administration in partnership with MTI .